There are days that will always stand out in my memory as critical to my faith. One is when, at 12 years old, I was led in the salvation prayer by Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Ogden. Another occurred over a decade later in Redding, California when I was baptized at Bethel. Most recently, I had the honor of leading a man to Christ after sharing my testimony with him and praying the salvation prayer with him. Another that did not seem nearly as significant at the time was the day when my cousin, Lacee, shared Psalm 46:5 with me. “God is within her, she will not fall.” Little did she know then that it would be the verse we would cling to as I fight for my life. This verse means so much to me and brings me peace because it is so true. God is within me, inside my very being. Even if my earthly body fails me, I will still win in the end because I will be celebrating with him in Heaven.

Hear me clearly say that I do not believe my time on earth is up. Medical professionals, however, have told me differently. Certainly, earthly doctors are intelligent people, but we serve the Great Physician. I’ve always been a dreamer of big dreams. I firmly believe that God gave me these goals for a purpose. As Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” I have too many desires still to accomplish on this earth.

I am a Christian not because I am perfect—I like to cuss a little too much, drink a little too often—but because I know I sin, and I need Jesus. My Momma teaches the best sermon I have ever heard. There’s no penny sin, nickel sin, or quarter sin, a sin is a sin in Gods eye they are all the same. And the best news THEY ARE ALL FORGIVEN if you ASK. Praise Jesus!

God’s greatest blessings to me have been my family, my friends, and my Loui. I know everyone thinks they have the best tribe, but I will match mine with anyone else’s any day. I have always said for being an only child I sure have a lot of siblings! It’s hard to have a bad day, or moment even when you are as blessed as I am.

I have never been good at asking for help, my momma will laugh and tell you God knew how independent I was going to be and that is why he brought me into this world on Independence Day.

Asking for help just is not my nature but the Bible tells us in 1 Peter 5:6 “Humble yourselves under the mighty power of God and at the right time he will exalt you.” I’ve done my best to follow His word my entire life and He’s never failed me or let me down, and I am not about to fail him. 

So here I am standing in front of you and in front of Him scared to death, clinging onto hope and summoning every ounce of humility in my entire body to say this:

I’m sick and fighting with everything I have to survive. But financially I can not do this alone. 

And as hard as it is for me to ask for help, I know I need it. I need your prayers, your calls, texts, and visits, and if you are able I need your financial support in order to afford the necessary treatments and be able to give myself the best chance I can to continue living and serving Him on this earth. 

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